It’s a difficult habit to break – we still keep referring to our new RV as “the van” – but we are now taming a much different beast than our last RV, The Silver Box. We haven’t had time to see how a Class A motorhome will change our traveling style, but two things are immediately obvious: it is not silver, and it is not a van.
Last time, it took months before we came up with a name for our motorhome, and the same thing has happened this time around. It was a few thousand miles before we decided on Rocky, inspired mostly by the name of its Tiffin paint scheme (Rocky Mountain Brown). The Tiffin model name, Allegro Open Road, also triggered an idea for re-naming this website.
So Vanscapes is being re-branded as Open Roadscapes, and your browsers will be re-directed to the new domain name automatically. Thanks for sticking around as we make this transition, and more photos, videos, and blog posts will be appearing soon.
(And no, this is not an April Fools joke!)
Afternoon and morning photos of our campsite at Cardinal Ridge Farm, with an early Spring view of the Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina